When affordable housing is on the line – are you a Senior?

Those in the business of marketing affordable housing options to seniors, know that understanding their demographic is critically important. In today’s constantly changing market however, determining just who exactly their target market might be is a challenge. Pharmacies call those 55+ “seniors” and at 55 you can also get into the movies as a “senior.” Then there’s the “official” government position (at least here in North America) that 65 is universally viewed as having achieved senior status.   And one media company markets to “the 45+”!  It seems that while age is “just a number,” that number is up for interpretation – and yet, how we are treated on the basis of age impacts everything in our lives!

 Ageism adds fuel to the housing fire.

Emma Teitel of The Toronto Star called ageism “the one prejudice we aren’t afraid to flaunt.” Emma points out, “Virtually all the conversations about affordable housing …. are centred on young people, largely young people who’d like to start families but can’t remotely hope to afford to buy, or rent, an appropriate property in Toronto. (Any large Canadian city faces similar challenges.) But what’s lost in this narrative of struggling students and young parents is the reality that Toronto isn’t just expensive for millennials; it’s expensive, period. For young and old and anyone in between.” (1)

Solving the affordable housing crisis.

Golden HomeSharing Connections aims to help seniors solve their housing crisis in an affordable, unique and creative way. But just who is it we are helping?  With more and more folks not identifying with their grandparents version of senior adulthood, understanding our target market and what you want in terms of home ownership or other housing options is more important than ever before. As David Cravit, Vice-President of Zoomer Media put it: “Sixty-year-olds see themselves the way forty-year-olds did in the past.” (2) They have attitude he suggests and ability too. They know what they want and many want to stay in the family home and/or share housing with other like-minded seniors. That’s where Golden HomeSharing Connections comes in. We provide a service that matches like-minded seniors (of any age!) who are looking for housing options that are affordable, comfortable and which provide the potential for companionship too. Tired of ageism and being shut out of the rental or home-sharing market, seniors are increasingly turning to organizations like ours to help make home sharing arrangements possible.

Canada’s senior population is growing.

A report by Ryerson University had this to say on the topic of seniors and aging: “In 2016, for the first time in census history, Canada’s population of seniors aged 65+ exceeded that of children under 15. This senior population is expected to grow, making suitable and affordable housing options that will allow individuals to “age in place” – to live comfortably and safely in their own community for as long as they wish – a critical need. But as housing prices soar in urban and suburban centres, many seniors are either left with “too much house” and not enough support, or confined to either traditional retirement residences that can be expensive and include unnecessary services …..That’s where seniors co-housing or home-sharing comes in, offering independence, a sense of community and tailored amenities, while keeping housing costs affordable and care services accessible. (3)


Golden HomeSharing Connections can help!

The bottom line is this: Dorothy Mazeau is a senior herself and a licensed realtor with her SRES* designation. She knows and understands what seniors are looking for in terms of housing. Whether you’re 55+, 60, 70, 75+ or more, Dorothy and Golden HomeSharing Connections are in the business of helping pair seniors of similar age, lifestyle, fitness and interests to come together to explore their home sharing options. If age is just a number for you but the financial numbers are a little more problematic, consider registering with us today. Visit goldenhomesharingconnections.ca today!



