Are you part of the “Silver Tsunami” sweeping North America and the globe? The term, first thought to have been coined in the late 1980’s, refers to the baby boomer demographic rapidly becoming seniors and who, in so doing, are causing a cumulative and generational wave of change: Change in marketing that reflects this aging demographic and their buying power, a change in our views on aging – what is considered “old” for example and a significant change and growth in an industry exclusively focused on elder care services. Finally, we would argue the term also reflects a powerful shift and change in the way we are living. If you are a part of the Silver Tsunami demographic, you might want to know more about home-sharing and to experience its Triple “F” benefits.

Financial Freedom and Friendships
At its core, home-sharing is shared living for single, mature adults. It’s an opportunity for like-minded older adults to join together in a shared housing arrangement with mutual benefits for all. Whether two women agree to share an apartment; four adults purchase a home together or a senior with a larger home (and no more children filling the bedrooms) looks for a roommate or two, the arrangement typically results in a level of financial freedom for each of the home-sharing participants and with fabulous new friendships being formed. For many seniors, managing a larger home (or sometimes, even a smaller condo) becomes more and more challenging as we age. Pensions, supplemental income from government benefits and a rising cost of living can make managing on one’s own almost impossible. Sharing expenses does more than ensuring there is someone to help with the chores – it might also mean all the difference between “just managing” and having the financial freedom to take a trip, attend the theatre and otherwise enjoy your retirement and your senior years.

Living together with other mature adults serves as a vehicle for friendships to develop as well. It’s a chance to maintain one’s independence while ensuring companionship, helping to alleviate the feeling of being a burden to family and someone to go on those trips and theatre dates with you! In fact, we would venture to say there is also a fourth “F” to be considered and that is, with financial freedom and making new friendships, comes flexibility. The flexibility to do all the things you planned to do as you aged and to do them on your terms.

In America alone there has been a 75% jump over the last several years in the shared housing movement. We now know categorically that more and more folks are realizing the benefits of a home-sharing arrangement. Here in Canada, Professor Margaret Critchlow, co-founding director of Canadian Senior Cohousing, writes that, “if only 1% of those aged 55 and older participated in a cohousing arrangement, more than 2000 cohousing communities would have to be built in the next 20 years!” (1) Across North America however, we are nowhere close to being able to accommodate the kind of planning, development and sustainability required to facilitate this happening. That’s why companies like Golden HomeSharing Connections exist. Our mission is to bring together a homeowner and a housemate to create a comfortable living arrangement for both – without depending on new housing developments!  If you are looking for the “Triple F’s” in your life; for financial freedom and for friendship, we invite you to explore our website for more information on how we can help you find what you are looking for!

Golden Girls Canada is owned and operated by Golden HomeSharing Connections

Home-mate matching services for seniors by accredited

seniors real estate specialist (SRES) Dorothy Mazeau!
