Are you feeling pressured to move from a home you love, a neighbourhood where everyone knows you, due to the fact that you are getting older and your family is worried about you? Maybe you are on your own now and finding that you have more house than you need, and maintaining it is getting to be a bit much! Well, here’s a solution: How about a house full of friends? If you’ve ever watched the TV show Golden Girls, you’ll have an idea of what I’m talking about.
Golden Girls Canada provides an online database where single mature homeowners can connect with other seniors who are looking for an affordable place to live. But it’s not all about finances. Companionship is vital to our well-being, and the site offers lots of space to describe how YOU like to live, so you can attract – or seek out – others who share your values and lifestyle.
Even if you aren’t financial strapped, you can use the extra income to do renovations to help you “age in place.” Or hire someone to do the housecleaning and yardwork. Or even add it to your travel fund, knowing there will be someone to watch the house while you’re gone.
While the government is trying to figure out how to provide affordable housing for the groundswell of seniors coming along, let’s do it ourselves. Keep control of your own life – and have fun doing it!
Contact Golden Girls Canada at 416-550-4015, or go online at