Golden Girls Canada has been approached by a number of people hoping to find someone to share a home with their elderly parent, at a reduced rent in exchange for the provision of companionship and some help around the house.  There is certainly a demand for this type of arrangement, but GGC feels that it is critical that potential housemates be thoroughly vetted and upon their acceptance, the relationship be actively monitored to ensure the ongoing compatibility of the senior and the companion, to guard against elder abuse (which could well be unintentional), and to determine if outside caregiving services, such a Personal Support Worker (PSW) are required.  The home-mate cannot be asked to bear this degree of responsibility.

Golden Girls Canada does not provide this type of service.  Our primary goal is to serve active adults, both Home Sharers and Home Seekers, looking for an economical and enjoyable living situation.  Members do their own due diligence to ensure a good match.  The site functions very much like many dating sites in that regard.

If you are looking for companionship for a vulnerable senior, we suggest you take a look at the HomeShare Canada website ( which may offer a solution closer to what you are seeking.  The agencies described on that site may provide the higher level of service you are looking for. There are not many such agencies, but the number is growing – right along with the need!

All that being said, you could choose to use the GGC database to help with your search.  Just be clear in your listing title and description what you are looking for, and be prepared to do the vetting of potential home-mates and monitoring of the relationship on an ongoing basis. We wish you well!